The London Group Draw II - Art for £100

Over 130 artists have donated art to raise money for The London Group to fund the Open exhibition 2017 and to tour a selection of that exhibition. Works have been donated by London Group members, invited artists and artists who have shown with the Group at recent Open Exhibitions. Five Royal Academicians who are London Group members have donated and other eminent participants include Glen Baxter, Eileen Cooper RA, Robyn Denny, John Edwards, William Feaver, Peter Freeth RA, Mail Morris, Deanna Petherbridge and Stan Smith (past London Group President).

The Tickets

Tickets for the draw will be sold at £100 each and the number of tickets will not exceed the number of works. Each ticket holder is therefore guaranteed a work of art. Each ticket is individually numbered and the first one out of the hat will have the choice of the whole exhibition.

Tickets are limited to one ticket per person. You can either obtain your ticket online through ticketsource or through the post by downloading the entry form to accompany your cheque for £100. On receipt of your cheque or online payment you will be sent a unique ticket which is part of a print made by our member James Faure Walker. On the back of the ticket will be your unique draw number. You MUST bring your ticket with you on the night.

The Draw II

The Draw II will take place at 7pm Thursday 23rd April 2015 at The Cello Factory, 33-34 Cornwall Rd, London, SE1 8TJ. The art will be on display and open for public viewing daily from Thursday 16th April from 2-6pm.

If you cannot attend The Draw II you may send a proxy but they must have the ticket. In the event that you can neither attend the draw nor send a proxy please email with your priority order choices (at least 10). In the event that your ticket is drawn and all your choices have gone, the committee will select a piece of art for you.

The Art

You can view all the art below. The art works are numbered from 1000 upwards. To help you make your selection you can download this info sheet which includes numbered thumbnails of everything for you to tick off.

Click the thumbnails to view the art. Use scroll bar to access all artists.

Each individual ticket will be a part of this print by James Faure Walker with a unique number on the back