Arcadia Revisited

Paintings and sketches of Stowe School by Anthony Eyton LG RA and Mark Flawn Thomas OS will be on show at The Cello Factory in June/July.

26th June – 3rd July 2018
Private View 26th June
The Cello Factory
33-34 Cornwall Road, London SE1 8TJ

Stowe School is approaching the Centenary of its foundation on 11 May 1923. They have commissioned one of Britain’s finest painters, Royal Academician and London Group member Anthony Eyton, to record Stowe in all seasons and in all its various guises. Working with Mark-Flawn Tomas OS, the two artists illustrate and convey the vitality of the landscape and the people who live and work in this extraordinary environment. Their work at Stowe over the past four years has captured not only the beauty and the magnifcence of the architecture and grounds, but also and importantly recorded the activities of the School itself.